

                This is the sixth and last of the tales of growing up as a young Moon starver.

Until seventeen,starver Moon lived with his parents. Their house was hidden in a dense forest, so dense that a very rare traveler found it on its way. Here, despite the abundance of wild animals, the small family felt safe. After all, the main threat to the starver, sadly, is another starver.

House in the forest - домик в лесу

Nevertheless, when rare passers-by  found a house in the forest, the Moon family always greeted them very hospitably and immediately seated them at the table without unnecessary questions. And only then, when the guest was satisfied and rested, his parents carefully asked him about what was happening in the big world.
At such moments, little Moon sat side by side without breathing and eagerly caught every word. Unlike his parents, he never saw this "big world" and knew about it only from the words of mom and dad.
Guest stories for his childish mind were like moisture for a plant. Moon listened and couldn't imagine how it is: a huge ocean, endless water to the horizon? Or fiery lava beating from the earth? Or a kingdom of eternal snow and ice, never knowing spring?
- Is it possible? - he asked time after time.
- It's possible and not like that! - he usually heard in response.
Often after this, the boy was asked to leave. But he, sitting in his room near the door, quietly eavesdropped. It was even more convenient: he held a sheet and a pencil in his handles and immediately sketched everything he had heard about. And then, in the morning, as soon as the guest wakes up, he immediately showed him or her a pile of drawings and asked excitedly:
-Look, how does it look like a kraken? Does the polar fox have such a muzzle? Are the walls of the muzzle even higher or so normal?
The guest usually smiled sleepily, examining the children's scribbles, and the parents only shook their heads.
In the drawings of their son, they saw a reflection of not only beautiful, but also terrible impressions: there were wars, sieges, robberies, starvers in helmets and with swords - all that he had heard from the conversations of adults and that he was trying to realize. It was so not like what he was used to and what he saw around ...
And no matter how all this news was discouraged by Moon, they could not squeeze out of his heart the love of life,

Welcome! - Добро пожаловать!

nature, the whole world and all its inhabitants. After the guests left, Moon usually went to the forest, to his secret glade, and there he began to tell the trees, flowers, birds and animals about all the bad and good things that he had learned.
It seemed: they listened to him - and on the heart it became easier ...
Years passed, Moon was getting older. All the walls in his room were hung with drawings - with and without frames. In the barn was just a warehouse of clay, wooden and stone figures of animals and starvers. There were even two of the amethyst presented by one of the guests. Around the house here and there were scattered bizarre snags that Moon dragged from the forest, cleaned, processed and turned into garden sculptures ...
His house became more and more like a museum, and Moon himself was more and more immersed in creativity. But the more he worked, the stronger became the desire to share his work with others. Not only with mom, dad and rare guests, but with the whole world! Something changed in him - and the safe world of his childhood has now become too crowded for Moon. The thirst for change, adventure and new experiences replaced the fear of the unknown from the heart.
Parents saw this and were very worried. Moon was their only child, and they wanted to keep him under their wing longer. But it was clear from everything that he would soon leave ... he would leave for the big world and perhaps he

Starver Moon - Старвик Мун.

would never return ... After all, there were so many dangers waiting for him!
Day after day, the young starvеr became more thoughtful, went farther away to explore the surroundings, increasingly looked at the old father’s map, which he carefully redrawn in his sketchbook ...
His father, Reef, understood everything perfectly. He himself left his parental home before he was seventeen ... But now he had experience - and he had to pass it on to his son while he was still close.
And while his wife, Prima, simply was bouncing off the walls, he began to talk with Moon more and more often. He took every opportunity to help his son prepare for a difficult adult life. And although Moon was very capable, and he learned to craft the essentials a long time ago, it was important for Reef that he also learn those vital values ​​without which a starver couldn't be a starver.
- In this world, many are chasing after wealth, fame and power, - he once said during one of these conversations, - but this doesn't bring them real happiness. I know this from bitter experience, but I already told you ...
Moon nodded. His large eyes stared motionlessly into the bright flame of a bonfire, but tiny ears caught every father's word.
- It's complicated ... - Reef continued. - Strength is valued more than wisdom, high position - more than  friendship, top things - more than life ... . Everything is turned upside down! And you will meet many for whom cruelty and meanness are in the order of things. I am so afraid for you, my boy. And not only because you can suffer from their hands, but also because you can BELIEVE THEM ...
- No dad, - Moon said firmly. - I will never believe them! I won’t betray you, I will always remember what you and mom taught me!
- I would like to believe, but ... you can’t always refer to your parents! If you yourself are not sure that you are right, in a difficult time you will not resist ...
These words of his father, like a diamond blade, cut into the hearts of Moon, and subsequently he recalled them many times ...
The days, meanwhile, were getting longer - summer was coming! It's time to start the journey!
And Moon began to pack up. He made a list of necessary things, as well as an approximate route. Starver planned to move north to where a small farm was located almost on the border with the winter biome. About it a year ago, one of the guests spoke, an experienced starver named Snow. He even invited Moon and his family to stop by on a visit. Although Snow has not visited them since then, Moon believed that the invitation was still valid. Of course if only nothing bad happened to the farm this year! The young starver tried not to think about it.
Prima also didn't sit idle - she sewed her son a new backpack. Like all starver backpacks, it was small but very roomy. It had fourteen compartments - and all of them should be filled!
There was a real dispute about what to fill out: mom wanted to put more food and warm things, father wanted tools and resources, and Moon himself wanted to leave at least four compartments for art supplies ... In the end, after much debate, a compromise has been achieved.
Moon put in a backpack a warm blanket, stones and wood for a bonfire, an album for drawing, paints and pencils, some fried meat and berries, a spear, an easel, a couple of bottles of water, a warm hat ... He even left a little free space for those resources that he may collect along the way. He put a small sketchbook with a charcoal pencil closer to his heart - in a fold of leather on his back. In this sketchbook were kept several drawings dear to him, including a portrait of his parents.
Everything was ready for his departure. And now, the day of parting has come. Morning didn't portend any changes - everyone, as usual, gathered for breakfast. A delicate fish casserole with carrots seemed to Moon to be especially tasty. When his plate was empty, mom affectionately offered additives. Moon couldn't refuse such an offer.
Father at breakfast all clarified what route Moon would take, where he would stay for the night, when he planned to return? He tried not to show how afraid he was that their meeting would no longer take place. And Moon didn’t doubt for a minute that in two or three months he would definitely visit them and bring a bunch of new drawings.
He imagined how he would meet Snow, how to meet other guys living on his farm. Starvik knew that among them were his peers. And then, with luck, they and Snow will go to the fair in the city of Berriеs, and there, Moon is likely to meet other artists ... Oh, how he dreamed about it!
And he also dreamed of meeting all those with whom he had managed to make friends for a long childhood in the forest: Hunter, Long, Cloud and his father Heart, Double, and many others. His heart was wide open for everyone. And how many new friends he can make! True, he will be able to make enemies in the same way, but Moon firmly decided to remain as peaceful as possible ... Breakfast time was over, Moon wanted to wash the plate, but Mom objected:
- No, I'll do it myself. You'll already have enough worries on the road .
- So it's joyful worries, mom!
-And so I care about you - for joy, tears flashed in her eyes. - Now it's not known how soon anyone else who feeds you, warms you, darnes your clothes.
- Mom, -Moon said with a smile, - I have been able to do all this myself for a long time.
- And for me you are always a child, I’m a mother, - and Prima gently hugged her son.
- Dad, - Moon asked, - am I also a child for you?
- Still would! But I understand that you - grew up, and mom know it too. Just know, my boy: whenever you come home, the door will always be open for you.
-Yes, - Prima sobbed, -I will not rearrange anything in your room. Let everything remain as with you.
- Well, mom, that's the limit. And suddenly, - he winked slyly, - will you have a new lodger here?
-What are you, son!- Prima waved her hands, - Never in my life I put anyone in your room!
- Everything changes in life, - the son mysteriously told her. - At least: know that I don't mind.
Three oblong figures leave the house. Three starvers walk along a path running north from the house. Having reached the edge of the meadow, they stop:
-  Well, that’s it, my dears, I’ll go on my own,- says Moon and gently hugs his parents.

The first step into adulthood -Первый шаг во взрослую жизнь

All three have tears in their eyes. Moon hastily wipes them, waves his hand goodbye and briskly walks forward. His white  figure is more and more i moving away, but before finally hiding behind the trees, the young starver again turns around and waves his hand.
- Take care of each other! - he shouts to his parents.
- You too... be careful... my boy! - sobs Prima.
- Take care of yourself, kid, -  Reef whispers.
And they continue to stand still long after Moon disappears from sight ... How long they raised him - and how quickly, how easily he left them now. Both at heart understand that it should be so, but at the same time it seems to both that this day came too soon ...
What awaits him on his way now? Adventures? Of course! Dangers? Definitely! New friends? Likely! Success? Probably ... He will face bias and understanding, pride and humility, rudeness and kindness, friendship and betrayal. How will he deal with all this? Time will tell...
- Don't be afraid, we prepared him well, -  Reef whispers softly to his wife.
- I know, but not everything in life depends on him.
- Not everything, but a lot ... To  varying degrees  ...
And they snuggle up to each other, as if assuring: "You are my soul mate, and I will never leave you. Children grow up and leave their parental home. But you and I will be together right to the end  ..."
And it gets warmer for both...

*As stated at the beginning, this is the last of my tales of stavers. At the moment, I'm not going to continue to write fanfiction about I have my own projects, which I want to do closely. Anyway, thanks if you read these stories.

Ссылка на оригинал ( для русскоговорящих)  The original is here  Well, of course, I did the translation with the help of Google translator.
